b'Table of Contents (to follow TOC links, hover mouse over a section, and use control + click to move to the desired section) Letter from Presiding Judge / Assistant Presiding Judge/ CEO . ii Strategic Planning Team iiiSection 1: Overview 1Section 2: Mission, Vision, and Core Values . 2Section 3: Trends AnalysisExternal and Internal . 3Section 4: Organizational Assessment 5Section 5: Strategic Focus Areas (SFAs), Goals, and Strategies 7SFA 1: Improve the Court User Experience 8 SFA 2: Enhance Operational Excellence & Efficiency . 9 SFA 3: Improve the Employee Experience 11 SFA 4: Improve Facilities, Space, Security 13Appendices 14 A: Positive Future Scenario Additional Strategic Planning Resources 1.External Trendshttps://www.ventura.courts.ca.gov/pdf_files/SP/VSC_SP_External_Trends.pdf2.Internal Trendshttps://www.ventura.courts.ca.gov/pdf_files/SP/VSC_SP_Internal_Trends.pdf This document was developed under grant number SJI-23-TA-032. The points of view expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State Justice Institute.20242028 Strategic PlanVentura Superior Courti'