b'SFA 2: Enhance Operational Excellence & EfficiencyDescription: The Court is striving for operational excellence.This includes resolving legal matters and cases in a fair, timely, and efficient manner and operating efficiently and effectively. The Court also recognizes the importance of being innovative and proactive to effectively navigate the future environment.To achieve operational excellence and efficiency and to be responsive to the results of the strategic planning surveys, improvement opportunities include:Improving case management practices (e.g., fewer continuances, reduce backlogs). Streamlining court processes and making them more consistent and understandable. Strengthening and expanding practices around virtual/remote proceedings. Balancing workloads. Allocating / re-allocating resources to balance workloads and meet service demands. Demonstrating procedural fairness. Upgrading courtroom and other technology to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Being more proactive and innovative. Long Range Goals and Strategies:Goal 1: The Court will resolve cases in a fair, timely, and efficient manner.Strategies: a.Expand the use of effective caseflow management principles and practices for all case types (e.g., reduce continuances, triage cases, schedule status conferences, retain firm trial dates). b.Use data analytics to improve caseflow management and operational efficiency. c.Expand ADR programs in civil cases. d.Balance workloads within and across divisions of the Court. e.Improve the diversity of the juror pool and participation rates. f.Demonstrate procedural fairness, (e.g., treat all parties respectfully, provide opportunity to be heard, explain process, provide adequate time for each litigant). g.Train and cross-train employees. h.Collaborate with justice partners to reduce delay, time to disposition, and case backlogs (including efficient handling of paperworkClerks Office).Goal 2:The Court will build and maintain the publics trust and confidence.Strategies: a.Treat all people respectfully and professionally. b.Improve juror understanding and confidence, (e.g., education, appreciation, and efficiency). c.Provide consistent information to and educate the public. d.Expand outreach to all communities across the County.20242028 Strategic PlanVentura Superior Court 9'