b'SFA 1: Improve the Court User Experience Description.Improving the Court User Experience is a high priority for the Court. This includes:Improving access to (a) the Court, (b) court services in all areas of the County, and (c) court and case information. HelpingcourtusersnavigatetheCourt,includingunderstandingwhattheyneedtodoto complete their court business. Enhancing and expanding services and programs, (e.g., self-help, language). Expanding the use of technology to enhance access, customer service, and the ability to do business with the Court.Enhancements and expansions in the above areas are supported by the results of the strategic planning surveys.Long Range Goals and Strategies:Goal 1: The Court will be user-friendly and easy to navigate.Strategies: a.Improve online access to resources and court and case information. b.Enhance (user-friendly) in-person and virtual services.c.Develop physical navigation and wayfinding at the courthouse/court locations. Goal 2: The Court will provide equal access to all people across the county.Strategies: a.Expand language assistance and maintain and improve self-help services. b.Enhance and expand virtual court services. c.Improve the juror experience and increase juror participation rates. d.Use existing and new technologies to increase access and enhance ability to conduct business - in person and remotelyacross the County. 20242028 Strategic PlanVentura Superior Court 8'