To make an appointment with the Clerk’s Office, please visit the homepage and click the
“Schedule an Appointment” button.
Be sure that you schedule your appointment for the correct department.
Appointments scheduled in the incorrect department are subject to cancellation.
In accordance with the 2nd Amended Administrative Order 22.04, walk-in services are currently unavailable.
An appointment is required. Customers are limited to one 30-minute appointment per day.
Filings are accepted in the drop box located at the main entrance of the courthouse, or by US Mail.
* * * PUBLIC NOTICE * * *
- Judge Kevin G. DeNoce will be assigned to Department J3 - Effective January 6, 2025
- How to Appear Remotely by Zoom in Juvenile Justice Cases
- How to Appear Remotely by Zoom in Juvenile Dependency Cases
Check back often for updates.
The Clerk’s Office and Telephone Hours are:
Monday through Friday, except holidays, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Appointment Hours are:
Monday - Friday, except holidays, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Appointments are required, except when making payments on traffic fines and fees.
General Information about Juvenile Court
The juvenile court has exclusive original jurisdiction over:
- All delinquent minors (under 18 years old) wherein the minor is alleged to have committed an act which act would be criminal if he/she were an adult (section 602 at seq. of the Welfare and Institutions Code);
- All minors who are alleged to have been neglected or abused by their parent or guardian, by either commission or omission (section 300 et seq. Welfare and Institutions Code),
- All incorrigible minors, e.g., beyond the control of parents, chronic truants, runaways, disobedient to lawful parent rules, etc. (section 601 Welfare and Institutions code).
- Nonminor dependents (over 18 years old) who may need foster care benefits and housing for an additional 3 years, to age 21, while working towards a higher education and/or obtaining employment training and skills.
As a matter of law and judicial philosophy, our job in Juvenile Court is to "protect" - protect the minor from him/herself and from others (both 300’s and 602’s) and protect the community from minors who pose a threat to the persons or property of others. Rehabilitation of the minor is also a major thrust of our job. Only in the last five or six years have we legally been able to even use the word "punishment" in our disposition orders. Rehabilitation is still the big aim, even when we give the minor some "therapeutic" detention.
Juvenile matters are confidential and many proceedings are not open to the public. Juvenile records are confidential and can only be released to officers of the court, specific agencies or by order of the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court. Due to the confidentiality of juvenile records, information cannot be given out over the telephone.
To view an Informational Guide for Parents & Guardians involved in the Juvenile Delinquency System, click here:
Ventura Superior Court YouTube Channel
There is a YouTube video created by the Ventura Superior Court, in collaboration with County partners, that you can watch before you bring a child to court.
Introduction to Juvenile Court Proceedings
Introducción a los Procedimientos Judiciales de Menores
You can ask a judge to seal your juvenile justice records if they were not sealed at the end of your case. You may obtain the request for sealing on this website under State Forms on the Forms page. There is no fee to make your request.
For more information on sealing a juvenile record, please visit our FAQs page.
Juvenile Dependency cases are heard in Courtroom J1 at the Juvenile Courthouse. Detentions are set Monday through Friday at 8:30 a.m. Other matters are set Monday through Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
Juvenile Delinquency cases are heard in Courtrooms J3 and J4 at the Juvenile Courthouse. Detentions are heard at 8:15 a.m. and other matters are set at 8:30 a.m. If you are unable to make your delinquency court appearance, you must call the Public Defender's Office at 981-5990.
Visit the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission web page for information.
The Juvenile Courthouse is located at 4353 Vineyard Avenue, Oxnard, California, 93036. Please visit our Locations page for directions.
As required by Rule 5.610(f)(2) of the CA Rules of Court, the following information is provided for staff of the California courts regarding Transfer-In Hearings on cases transferred from another county. Hearings are held at the Juvenile Courthouse, 4353 E. Vineyard Avenue, Oxnard 93036 as follows:
Juvenile Delinquency
Monday through Friday at 8:30 a.m., Courtroom J3
Juvenile Dependency
* Monday - Thursday at 8:30 a.m., Courtroom J1
Court Clerk contact information: (805) 289-8820
Juvenile Delinquency Information from the State Self-Help Center - in English
Información sobre Delincuencia de Menores del Centro de Ayuda - en Español
For frequently asked questions about Juvenile Court, please visit our FAQs page.