Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Interpreting Services & Language Access



Interpreting Services at the Ventura Superior Court

Ventura Superior Court has Spanish-speaking staff at their Clerk's Offices, Self-help centers and exterior windows. In the event no bilingual staff is available, the Court provides qualified interpreters to provide interpretation when needed.

The Court assigns Spanish and Mixteco qualified court interpreters at no cost in the following court proceedings:

  • Criminal
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Juvenile dependency
  • Mental health (psych evaluations and mental competency hearings)
  • Family law
  • Civil harassment
  • Domestic violence restraining orders
  • Elder or Dependent Adult Protective Order
  • Unlawful detainer (eviction)
  • Probate (guardianship and conservatorship)
  • Traffic
  • Small claims
  • Other limited and unlimited civil cases

Should court users need the services of a Spanish interpreter for a criminal or family case, one from the court staff may be requested at the time of the hearing. However, a request in advance is highly recommended for evidentiary hearings and trials in family law cases. Limited English proficiency (LEP) court users with these types of matters may request an interpreter using form VN250 Request for Interpreter.

For limited English proficiency court users with small claims, probate, civil harassment, unlawful detainer, and other limited/unlimited civil cases, an interpreter may be requested using form VN250 Request for Interpreter, which must be filed at the Clerk's Office at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing or as soon the hearing is set, if less than 10 days. Once received, the Clerk's Office will send notice to the Interpreting Services Manager who will make every reasonable effort to book the services of a qualified court interpreter for the date and time specified in the Request for Interpreter. In the event the party will not be present at any hearing for which an interpreter was requested, the party or attorney of record shall give the Court a 72-hour notice.

The Court will try to provide an interpreter in every language and in every civil case. There may be times when the Court cannot provide an interpreter in every case due to many reasons, including short notice and unavailability of interpreters for a specific exotic language.

Sign language Interpreters are also provided at no cost for parties or witnesses who are present and participate in a court proceeding. To request an ASL interpreter in a small claims, unlawful detainer, family law, civil harassment, or traffic court proceeding, contact nterpreting Services at 805-289-8799 (through CRS or VRS), or email three days in advance if possible, and request an interpreter.

For services at the Court’s Self-Help Centers, please call 805-289-8733 or 805-289-8812 (VRS or CRS). The Centers are open on different days at the Ventura and Oxnard courthouses. Contact Court Interpreter Services at 805-289-8799 (through CRS or VRS) or via email in advance to request an interpreter and an appointment:

Informational Brochures

Request for Interpreter Forms

State Forms, Translated

For additional information on Interpreters and Language Access at Ventura Superior Court and other California Courts, please visit the following links:

Language Access Complaints

If you have a complaint about access to language services at the Ventura Superior Court, you may submit a complaint using the fillable form below:

The Language Access Representative will review and respond to all interpreter and language access complaints. The Court takes all complaints about language access very seriously and will address the concerns in an appropriate manner. Please be aware that the Language Access Representative does not have the authority to change or modify any decision made by a judicial officer and that its review of the complaint does not, in any way, affect or extend any applicable deadlines or procedural requirements such as filing motions, appeals, modifications, etc.

You may file a complaint with the Judicial Council of California regarding a specific California court interpreter if you believe a certified or registered interpreter:

  • Violated Rule of Court 2.890, Professional conduct for interpreters
  • Is unable to interpret competently in English and/or in the language being interpreted
  • Committed acts of wrongdoing or behaved unethically

To file a complaint directly with the Judicial Council regarding a specific court interpreter, please visit the Judicial Council’s website at

Tu'un Savi

Intérpretes en el Tribunal Superior de Ventura

El Tribunal Superior de Ventura o la Corte de Ventura tiene personal que habla español en la mayoría de sus oficinas administrativas. En caso de que no haya personal bilingüe en algún momento, el Tribunal proporciona intérpretes calificados cuando sea necesario.

El Tribunal asigna intérpretes judiciales acreditados de español sin costo alguno en las siguientes audiencias:

  • Penal
  • Dependencia de menores
  • Menores delincuentes
  • Salud mental (evaluaciones psicológicas y audiencias para determinar capacidad mental)
  • Derecho de Familia
  • Acoso
  • Desalojo
  • Ordenes de alejamiento por violencia familiar
  • Abuso de personas de la tercera edad
  • Infracciones de tránsito
  • Demandas de menor cuantía
  • Tutela y curatela
  • Otros casos en materia civil (cambio de nombre, demandas de lesiones personales, demandas contractuales, etc.)

En caso de que litigantes, acusados o testigos necesiten los servicios de un intérprete para casos de familia o en lo penal, estos pueden pedir dichos servicios dentro de la sala judicial antes de la audiencia. Sin embargo, cuando se trate de audiencias probatorias o juicios de Derecho de Familia, se insta a las partes a que soliciten los servicios de intérprete usando el formulario VN250 Solicitud para Intérprete.

Las personas que comparezcan en audiencias relacionadas con Derecho de Familia, demandas de menor cuantía, sucesiones testamentarias, tutelas o curatelas, cambios de nombre, acoso y otros casos en materia civil deben solicitar los servicios de un intérprete usando el formulario VN250 Solicitud para Intérprete, el cual debe presentarse en la Oficina Administrativa del Tribunal con una anticipación de por lo menos 10 días previos a la audiencia o en cuanto se fije la fecha de la audiencia.

Solicitud para Intérprete - (español, mixteco, mandarín, lenguaje a señas norteamericano)

El Tribunal intentará, por todos los medios, conseguir los servicios de un intérprete de cualquier idioma para todos los casos en materia civil, pero algunas veces será imposible hacerlo. En ese caso, el Tribunal le notificará oportunamente.

Más información

Mixteco (Tu'un Savi)

VIDEO – Servicios del Tribunal Superior (Mixteco)


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