Saturday, October 5, 2024
Honorable Matthew P. Guasco, Judge of the Superior Court

Courtroom 20 - Civil Trials, Law & Motion


Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 128 and 367.75, and in the interests of convenience and economy, Judge Guasco strongly encourages all attorneys, self-represented parties and parties who appear for proceedings calendared in Courtroom 20 to do so remotely by Court Call or Zoom in lieu of personally appearing in Courtroom 20. The parties may appear remotely by Zoom or Court Call. To appear by Zoom, please so notify Judge Guasco's Judicial Assistant, Miriam Hernandez by email, with a simultaneous copy to all other counsel/self-represented parties, to, not later than 4:00 p.m. the court day before the appearance (excluding weekends and court holidays). The Zoom instructions for Courtroom 20 are at the following link:

To appear by Court Call, visit or call 888-882-6878. Court Call registrations close by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing (excluding weekends and court holidays).

Parties may appear by Zoom or Court Call for all calendar matters, including law and motion, minor's compromise, ex parte, Status Conference, Case Management Conference, and Trial Setting Conference hearings. Judge Guasco permits default prove-up hearings, court trials and other evidentiary hearings to be conducted by Zoom with leave of the Court by noticed motion or stipulation of the parties upon a request made by email to not later than 30 days before the hearing or otherwise by order of Judge Guasco. The order permitting the conduct of a Court Trial by Zoom shall occur at the Trial Setting Conference or otherwise at Judge Guasco's direction.

Any request for a witness to testify by Zoom in a jury trial must be by stipulation of the parties, or by noticed motion or ex parte application, not later than 30 days before the trial or otherwise with leave of the Court.

Judge Guasco does not permit court trials, default prove-up hearings or evidentiary hearings to be conducted by Court Call.

All those appearing by Zoom shall comply with the following orders: (1) participants shall be dressed in business-like, not casual, attire appropriate to the formality of the courtroom; (2) participants may not use background features available on the Zoom app; (3) participants shall be in a private, quiet location devoid of distractions, including loud noises; (4) participants shall not be driving an automobile or otherwise engaged in any activity which distracts from the ability of participants to focus on the court proceeding; (5) participants shall not use any filters or graphics which modify or alter the video image or voices of the participants; (6) at all times, participants shall behave in a manner consistent with proper courtroom decorum; (7) if a participant is observing only and not permitted to speak during the hearing, then the participant shall mute their audio and turn off their video during the hearing unless otherwise directed by the Court; and (8) participants must arrange for reliable internet access which ensures, to the extent possible, uninterrupted audio and video connection during the Zoom proceeding. PLEASE NOTE: A willful or intentional violation of any of these orders may be punished by a monetary sanction pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5, or by contempt of court, which may result in a fine of $1,000 or confinement in jail for up to five days for each violation. The Zoom invitation contains a phone-in access option in the event that video or audio connectivity is lost during the remote video session.

Only when the courtroom is closed to the public (during a public health emergency or when the Courtroom bailiff is not present), the public may access proceedings held remotely in Courtroom 20 via the audio live-stream portal on the Court's website at

Please be advised that Judge Guasco does not consider an in-person appearance to be any more or less persuasive than a remote appearance.

Any and all emails to the Courtroom 20 address must be simultaneously copied to all other attorneys or self-represented parties appearing in the action. Judge Guasco will not read or respond to ex parte communications sent to the Courtroom 20 email address.

Informal Discovery Conferences (Revised March 7, 2023) Download Informal Discovery Conferences PDF Document

Judge Guasco conducts Informal Discovery Conferences ("IDC"s) in unlimited civil cases pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 2016.080. The purpose of an IDC is to permit the parties, with the assistance of the Court, to resolve a discovery dispute by mutual agreement and avoid the delay, expense, and uncertainty of litigation.

Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 128 and 187, Judge Guasco conducts an IDC upon the request of a party or the stipulation of the parties or on the Court's own motion, but only after the parties have met and conferred in a good faith attempt to resolve the discovery dispute. Judge Guasco expects that a good faith attempt to resolve the discovery dispute involves more than a cursory phone call, email, or letter exchange. The parties should diligently attempt an informal resolution of the discovery dispute to the fullest extent possible before requesting an IDC, including demonstrating a willingness to compromise to the extent consistent with the rights and duties of the parties.

The request for an IDC and any response thereto must provide the following information in specific factual detail:

  1. The precise nature of the discovery dispute, including but not limited to the category of information sought, the interrogatory or request or demand number associated therewith, the response thereto, the relevance and importance of the information sought, the reasons for any objection to providing the information, the existence and scope of any privilege asserted, and the burden or expense, if any, of compliance.
  2. A concise summary of all efforts made by the parties demonstrating a diligent and good faith attempt to resolve the discovery dispute in whole or in part, including any offers or proposals for resolution of the discovery dispute which have been exchanged.
  3. Any issues of timing concerning the disputed discovery.
  4. The extent of any willingness on the part of the parties to modify the discovery request or response to accommodate the concerns raised by the parties in the course of the discovery dispute.

Judge Guasco conducts IDCs remotely by Zoom or Court Call. Follow the remote appearance guidelines set forth on Judge Guasco's section of the Court's website.

To request an IDC, contact Judge Guasco's secretary at (805) 289-8705. The requesting papers must be emailed, with a simultaneous email copy to all other counsel/self-represented parties, to If Judge Guasco grants the request for an IDC, he will issue an order to that effect and his Judicial Assistant, Miriam Hernandez, will contact the parties accordingly and advise them of available dates and times for the IDC. Any responding papers must be emailed to not later than five (5) days after the date the responding party receives the email request. Requesting and responding papers shall not exceed five (5) pages in length. Do not include declarations or exhibits; a concise summary of the discovery dispute will suffice.

If a request for an IDC is granted, the Court will enter an order tolling the deadline for filing a discovery motion pending the completion of the IDC.

The IDC will be conducted on a date not later than 30 days after the date the request is received by the Court. The time allotted to IDCs is as follows: 15 minutes for non-complex disputes; 30 minutes for complex disputes.

Any agreement reached by the parties in the course of the IDC will be memorialized in a written stipulation to be signed by counsel/self-represented parties or by an email confirmation between counsel/self-represented parties. If the parties wish, Judge Guasco may enter an order on any such discovery stipulation.

In the event the IDC does not produce an agreement resolving a discovery dispute, the occurrence or outcome of an IDC does not bar a party from timely filing a discovery motion or prejudice the disposition of such a discovery motion.

Only counsel who are primarily responsible for advising the parties and have full authority to resolve the discovery dispute shall participate in the IDC. Self-represented parties are required to participate in the IDC.

The responsibility to make the necessary arrangements with Court Call for the IDC shall be assigned as follows: (a) counsel of record for the requesting party; (b) if the requesting party is self-represented, then counsel of record for the responding party; or (c) if both parties are self-represented, then the requesting party. The parties are solely responsible for the fees charged by Court Call in relation to the IDC. For any party who has received a fee waiver from the Court, contact Court Call to determine if it will waive its fee accordingly.

Judge Guasco's Zoom guidelines and orders are located at the following web address:

Trial Setting Conferences Download Trial Setting Conferences PDF Document

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chief Justice and the Ventura Superior Court Presiding Judge have issued administrative orders affecting civil actions. Effective June 9, 2020, the Presiding Judge implemented the Civil Reopening Plan. You may obtain a copy of this plan at:

Section 2 of the Civil Reopening Plan states that all trial dates occurring on or after June 15, 2020, have been vacated and converted to Trial Setting Conferences ("TSC"s). The TSC must be attended by counsel of record who will be trying the case and all self-represented parties.

For TSCs occurring on or after July 1, 2020, the parties must serve and file a single, written, Joint TSC Statement not exceeding five (5) pages containing the following information at least 10 calendar days before the TSC:

  1. A brief summary of the nature of the case, including the date(s) of the incident(s) or event(s) or transaction(s) which is (are) the subject(s) of the action; a concise description of the incident(s) or event(s) or transaction(s) which is (are) the subject(s) of the action; the causes of action in the complaint and any cross-complaint; the primary monetary damages and/or other relief being claimed; and the primary defenses being alleged.
  2. The status of discovery, including that which has been completed as well as that yet to be completed, and the dates upon which the parties anticipate discovery will be completed.
  3. Any issues of statutory priority.
  4. Readiness for trial, including the date requested to begin trial.
  5. Whether the case will be tried before a jury or the Court in whole in or in part. Please note that, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court will strictly follow mask and social distancing protocols for all trial participants, including jurors, attorneys, parties, witnesses, court staff and judge. Based upon the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic and projections by the CDC and California State Department of Health, Judge Guasco is not setting any matters for jury trial sooner than February, 2021. Judge Guasco is setting matters for court trial beginning the week of August 17, 2020. All trial dates set at the TSC are dates certain.
  6. The timing of dispositive motions prior to trial.
  7. Amenability of the parties to Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR"), including mediation, arbitration, and Mandatory Settlement Conference ("MSC"). In light of the lengthy delay in setting and the severe restrictions in conducting jury trials during the COVID-19 pandemic, Judge Guasco urges the parties to consider some form of ADR as a method of achieving finality and closure on mutually acceptable terms.
  8. Reasonable time estimate for trial.
  9. Any issues of bifurcation.
  10. Any other issues or circumstances materially affecting resolution of the case.

Please type the date, time, and courtroom of the TSC to the right of the case caption on the front of the Joint TSC Statement.

The Joint TSC Statement may identify the parties' respective positions as to each of the items, including any areas of agreement or disagreement. The parties must meet and confer in good faith in the preparation of the Joint TSC Statement.

If the case is scheduled for a court trial at the TSC, the Court will give the parties a schedule for the service and filing of witness lists, exhibit lists, exchange of exhibits, and filing of trial briefs and in limine pleadings prior to trial.

When the Court sets a case for jury trial, the Court will schedule a Final Trial Setting Conference ("FTSC") 90 days before the trial date. The procedure described above applies to the FTSC, including the requirement that the parties meet and confer in good faith in the filing of the Joint FTSC Statement. At the FTSC, the Court will confirm the trial date, or advance the trial date (only on the stipulation of the parties), or continue the trial date to a date available on the Court's calendar (by stipulation of the parties or otherwise). If the trial date is confirmed at the FTSC, the Court will give the parties a schedule for the service and filing of witness lists, exhibit lists, exchange of exhibits, and filing of trial briefs and in limine pleadings prior to trial.

The Court encourages TSC and FTSC appearances by Zoom or Court Call. Follow the remote appearance guidelines discussed above.

The Court entertains stipulations of the parties and proposed orders thereon modifying any of the orders made at the TSC or FTSC, provided that any such stipulation sets forth the good cause for doing so.

Law & Motion Procedures Download Law and Motion Procedures PDF Document

The Court calls the law and motion calendar Monday through Friday at or shortly after 8:30 a.m. Please check in with the judicial assistant in courtroom 20 at 8:20 a.m.

The Court may call the calendar out of order depending on the nature and complexity of the matters. The Court typically takes name change petitions first.

The Court issues written tentative decisions, time permitting. Typically, tentative decisions are published before 5:00 p.m. the day before the hearing on the Ventura Superior Court website: Tentative decisions are posted under the "Tentative Rulings" link on the website. Each tentative decision posted to the Court's website contains a notice concerning the option of the parties to appear or not appear at the hearing, or to submit on the tentative decision without argument or appearance.

If time does not permit the posting of a written tentative decision, Judge Guasco often provides the parties with an oral tentative decision at the beginning of the hearing.

The Court invites parties to address the tentative decision. Judge Guasco views tentative decisions as just that - tentative. They may change depending on points raised during argument.

The Court permits one round of argument, with the moving party addressing the Court first, followed by the opposing party responding, and then the moving party presenting brief rebuttal. Once argument in this fashion has concluded, the Court will advise the parties that it is adopting its tentative decision as its ruling with or without modification, or that the Court is taking the matter under submission and will rule at a later date.

The Court issues written rulings on submitted matters anywhere from one week to 60 days after the date of submission, depending upon the nature and complexity of the motion(s), as well as the press of other business before the Court. Most motions are resolved by adoption of the tentative decision as written or modified after argument. The Court takes very few matters under submission.

The Court requires that all exhibits submitted in support or opposition to motions be tabbed with numbers (plaintiff) or letters (defendant) at the bottom of the pleadings. All exhibits must be identified and authenticated by a supporting declaration. The parties should make every effort to limit the number and volume of exhibits to only those relevant and necessary to the motion before the Court. If an exhibit consists of a document exceeding five (5) pages, please highlight the portions within the exhibit which are relevant to the motion or opposition.

The Court expects that most, if not all, discovery disputes can be resolved without the need for a formal motion and hearing if the parties meet and confer with reasonable diligence and in good faith. The Court expects the meet and confer process to narrow the disputed issues which will need to be resolved by a motion. No discovery motion will be heard unless the parties adhere to the requirement of a separate statement as directed by the Code of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Court. Additionally, Judge Guasco conducts Informal Discovery Conferences ("IDC") by request of a party or a stipulation of the parties. Please see the separate information on this webpage about Judge Guasco's IDC process.

The Court strictly adheres to the motion practice statutes and rules set forth in the Code of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Court, including but not limited to the format and content of pleadings, page limitations, and the required notice.

The Court expects that the litigation of motions will be limited to the following pleadings: (1) notice of motion and motion, memorandum, and supporting declarations and exhibits; (2) opposition, memorandum, and supporting declarations and exhibits; and (3) reply. The Court will not consider supplemental oppositions or replies without prior leave of the Court.

The Court typically directs the moving party to serve and file a notice of ruling and proposed order regardless of who prevails on the motion. Parties given the task of submitting a notice of ruling and/or proposed order are encouraged to attach and incorporate by reference the tentative decision (if it has been adopted by the Court without modification) or the Clerk's Minutes in lieu of quoting the ruling verbatim in the body of the notice or proposed order.

There is no "second call" on the law and motion calendar in Courtroom 20. While the Court attempts to accommodate calendar preferences, litigants should be prepared to have their matters heard during the time the Court is in session conducting the law and motion calendar. The law and motion calendar concludes when the last matter is heard, typically by no later than 10:00 a.m.

Judge Guasco hears summary judgment motions on Fridays only at 8:20 a.m. Judge Guasco hears no more than two summary judgment motions on a Friday calendar. In those instances in which there are no available Friday dates on which to hear a summary judgment motion in the time required by the Code of Civil Procedure, the Court permits those motions to be heard on a law and motion calendar date other than a Friday by stipulation of the parties or otherwise at the direction of the Court. This is the exception and not the rule.

From time to time, the Court may ask the Legal Research Attorney or the Judicial Assistant to contact the attorneys (or self-represented litigants) concerning the need to continue a hearing to permit the Court and its research staff additional time to read and consider a motion.

Judge Guasco permits remote appearances (Zoom and Court Call) for law and motion matters that do not involve live witness testimony. Please see Judge Guasco's Court Call and Zoom appearance rules and procedures on this webpage.

Trial Rules and Procedures Download Trial Rules and Procedures PDF Document

1. Trial Briefs & In Limine Motions: All trial briefs and in limine motions shall be served on all parties and filed with the courtroom judicial assistant by no later than the dates ordered at the Final Trial Setting Conference, or otherwise at the direction of the Court. Service shall be either by personal service or by email service with pdf attachment. All trial documents shall be filed with the Judicial Assistant in Courtroom 20 via email with pdf attachment, with a simultaneous copy to all other parties, sent to

In limine motions shall be limited to those necessary to resolve evidentiary or other legal issues before the selection of the jury. (See Kelly v. New West Federal Savings (1996) 49 Cal.App.4th 659.) Each in limine motion shall not exceed five (5) pages. The Court expects that each side shall file no more than five (5) in limine motions, but no party may file more than ten (10) in limine motions without leave of the Court to do so.

Oppositions to in limine motions shall be served on all parties and filed with the courtroom judicial assistant by no later than the date ordered at the Final Trial Setting Conference or otherwise at the direction of the Court. Filing and service shall be either by personal service or by email service with pdf attachment.

2. Jury Questionnaires: The Court uses a standard questionnaire which is handed out to jurors during selection. The Court solicits the input of counsel and self-represented parties prior to distribution of the standard questionnaire to jurors. The standard questionnaire is answered orally by jurors during the Court's voir dire of the panel.

The Court discourages the use of questionnaires requiring jurors to respond in writing except in cases involving pre-trial publicity. If either party requests the use of such a jury questionnaire, the requesting party(ies) shall serve and file a joint proposed jury questionnaire (including all written instructions to jurors) not later than the morning of the first day of trial or otherwise at the direction of the Court. Service shall be by personal service or email service with pdf attachment. The parties must agree on which party will assume the responsibility of preparing and copying the questionnaires, otherwise the Court will appoint a party to do so. The Court will not prepare or copy questionnaires (except the Court's standard questionnaire discussed in the preceding paragraph). Any questionnaires to be answered in writing by jurors(including copies of same in an amount to be determined by the Court) shall be present in Court before jury selection starts. Additional copies of the questionnaire shall be provided as needed by the party appointed by agreement of the parties or order of the Court. The party appointed to copy questionnaires will also be the party providing copies of the completed questionnaires to all other parties, with the originals being provided to the Court. Failure to follow these procedures may result in the waiver of the use of such juror questionnaires.

3. Jury Fees: All jury fees must be posted as required by the Code of Civil Procedure, the California Rules of Court, and the Ventura Superior Court Local Rules.

4. Jury or Court Trial: The parties shall advise the Court whether the trial will be by the Court or by a jury at the time of the Final Trial Setting Conference. Any waiver of jury occurring after the Final Trial Setting Conference shall be confirmed by written stipulation and order or by oral stipulation entered on the record on the first day of trial.

5. Time Estimate: The reasonable time for competition of the trial, including jury selection and deliberations, shall be estimated at the Final Trial Setting Conference. If the parties agree the reasonable time estimate has changed after the Final Trial Setting Conference, they must so advise the Court as soon as possible before the first day of trial.

6. Court Reporter: Please confirm that arrangements have been made for a court reporter to be present on the first day of trial. It is the parties' sole responsibility to hire and pay for a court reporter. If the parties waive a court reporter, the parties are advised that any challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence to support the verdict or any ruling by the Court will be deemed waived on appeal. (Aguilar v. Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. (1999) 21 Cal.4th 121, 132.) Accordingly, the Court strongly encourages the parties to retain a court reporter for in limine hearings, jury selection, and all trial proceedings, including but not limited to the rendering of a verdict and any post-trial motions. The Court requests that the court reporter retained by the parties have Realtime® capability as of the beginning of opening statements. The court reporter may charge an additional fee for this service, but the Court finds it helpful in ruling on evidentiary objections during trial. Indigent parties who have received a fee waiver are entitled to a court reporter without charge upon timely written request in conformity with the Ventura Superior Court's Administrative Order No. 18.06, which is available in the clerk's office and the court's website:

7. Emails: Judge Guasco does not accept emails directly from any of the parties. Instead, if Judge Guasco invites or approves an email from the parties, any such email shall be sent to the following email address: (attn.: Judicial Assistant Courtroom 20) or otherwise at the direction of the Court. Judge Guasco will not review or consider any improper ex parte communication sent to the Courtroom 20 email address.

8. Exhibits: All exhibits shall be exchanged and pre-marked before the start of jury selection. To the extent that the parties' exhibits duplicate each other, the parties shall agree on a master set of exhibits with plaintiff assigned a range of numbers beginning with the number "1," and additional plaintiffs with subsequent number ranges consecutively thereafter, proceeding to each of the defendants being assigned consecutive number ranges thereafter (E.g., plaintiff gets exhibits 1-99, defendant gets exhibits 100-199, etc.). Each distinct exhibit shall have only one number (i.e., no one exhibit shall have more than a single exhibit number designation). Exhibits shall not have letter designations, except letters may be used as a sub-designation of a numbered exhibit (e.g., "1A").

The parties shall exchange exhibit and witness lists, as well as exhibits, by the deadline ordered at the Final Trial Setting Conference unless otherwise directed by the Court.

9. Mini Opening Statements: Any request for "mini opening" statements during jury selection shall be made to the Court by no later than the first day of trial. (Code of Civ. Proc., § 222.5, subd. (d).) The mini opening statements shall be neutral, non-argumentative descriptions of each party's claims and/or defenses, and they may include a general overview of the facts of the case. The mini opening statements shall not exceed two (2) minutes per party. The Court shall admonish the prospective jurors that: (a) the mini opening statements are not evidence; (b) they are provided only to permit the jurors to better understand the nature of the case and of the questions they may be asked in voir dire; (c) they are provided to permit the jurors to determine if they have any life experiences, opinions, or biases that may prevent them from objectively, fairly, and impartially hearing the evidence and rendering a verdict in the type of case described; and (d) the jurors shall not form any prejudgments, biases, or assumptions about the case or the evidence from the mini opening statements. The parties may agree upon a joint statement of the case in lieu of a mini-opening statement.

10. Jury Instructions: Counsel shall meet and confer for the purpose of submitting a joint set of agreed-upon jury instructions and verdict forms to the Court by no later than the first day of trial or otherwise at the direction of the Court. To the extent possible, the instructions and verdict forms shall be those approved by the Judicial Council (CACI). A party or parties shall be appointed by mutual agreement of the parties or order of the Court to prepare an initial and final set of CACI pattern instructions and verdict forms. The Court does not encourage special jury instructions or verdict forms which vary from the CACI forms. To the extent that special instructions are essential to correctly instruct the jury, the party requesting a special instruction approved by the Court shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the initial and final versions of any such special instruction.

11. Audio/Visual: Parties are responsible for their own audio/visual needs in the course of their presentations. The Court will not provide technical support to any party. Any party showing a PowerPoint or similar projection presentation to the jury in opening statement or closing argument shall provide a hard copy of the slides to counsel and the clerk not later than 15 minutes before the presentation. The clerk shall mark the slide presentation as a Court's special exhibit for purposes of appellate review. All slide presentations shall adhere to the Court's in limine and other rulings, the evidence, and the law. Any objections to slides proposed to be shown to the jury shall be addressed to the Court outside the presence of the jury.

12. Jury Selection:

Hardships: With rare exceptions for longer cause cases, Judge Guasco hardships jurors in Courtroom 20.

Voir Dire: Judge Guasco uses a "six pack" in jury selection (18 prospective jurors interviewed at a time). The parties will be provided with both the random and the alphabetical list of jurors before jury selection begins.

Judge Guasco shall conduct voir dire of the prospective jurors first. Thereafter, the attorneys are permitted to liberal and probing voir dire of the jurors, within reasonable limits, to assist in the determination of cause challenges and to aid in the intelligent exercise of peremptory challenges. (Code of Civ. Proc., § 222.5.) Judge Guasco does not permit comments or questions of the prospective jurors the effect of which is pre-educate them on the law, pre-condition them as to the parties' theories of the case, or to invite them to pre-commit to a specific finding or verdict as to any issue. (See People v. Williams (1981) 29 Cal.3d 392.)

Acceptance of Panel and Selection of Alternate Jurors: When all parties "pass" on the exercise of peremptory challenges as to the 12 prospective jurors in the box, the parties will be deemed to have accepted the panel. The clerk will swear-in the 12 jurors at that time. The Court, then, will proceed to the selection of alternate jurors. Prospective alternate jurors will be seated according to the next prospective juror remaining in the panel of 18, the lowest number being first (starting with 13 and working up to 18). Each party will have a maximum of one (1) peremptory challenge for each prospective alternate juror (e.g., 1 alternate = each party has 1 peremptory challenge as to the alternate; 2 alternates = each party has 2 peremptory challenges as to the alternates). When all parties "pass" on the exercise of peremptory challenges as to the prospective alternate juror(s), the parties will deemed to have accepted the alternate jurors. The Clerk will swear in the alternate juror(s) when the jurors return from the recess as directed by the Court.

13. Bench Conferences: The Court discourages bench conferences except by invitation of the Court. The parties should attempt in good faith and with due diligence to address any and all anticipated evidentiary or legal issues affecting the presentation of the evidence in limine. Bench conferences are not reported. The Court will make a record of any bench conference at the next available opportunity (typically at breaks).

14. Telephone Calls: Any telephone calls to the Court concerning scheduling issues must be directed to Judge Guasco's judicial secretary at (805) 289-8705. The Court will not receive or consider ex parte communications from any party or attorney.

15. Trial Schedule: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each day of trial, the attorneys and parties are ordered to appear at 9:30 a.m. Typically, there is one, 10-minute break in the morning, and one, 15-minute break in the afternoon. The Court expects the parties, their attorneys, their witnesses, and the Court Reporter to be on time. The Court Reporter must be personally present (not attend by Court Call or remote video conference).

16. Entry of Judgment: The Court will direct the prevailing party(ies) to serve and file a proposed judgment(s) consistent with the jury's verdict(s) and in conformity with the Rules of Court and the Code of Civil Procedure. The Court invites the parties to stipulate to a longer period for entry of the judgment on the verdict.

Courtroom 20 Tentative Rulings

Case Number Event Type Event Date/Time Department Document
202100557247CUPO Motion for Summary Judgment for Defendant State of California, acting by and through the California Department of Parks and Recreation 10/3/2024 8:20 AM 20 Tentative
202100557247CUPO Motion for Summary Judgment for Defendant Union Pacific Railroad Company 10/3/2024 8:20 AM 20 Tentative
202200569350CUNP Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 10/4/2024 8:20 AM 20 Tentative
202000542268CUPO Motion for Summary Judgment 10/4/2024 8:20 AM 20 Tentative

Courtroom 20 Calendar

Event Date/Time Event Type Event Status Case Number Case Title Case Type Dept.
10/7/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Strike Portions of First Amended Complaint Rescheduled 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:20 AM Demurrer to First Amended Complaint Rescheduled 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:20 AM OSC - Name Change In the Matter of Abigail Grace Brookes Scheduled 2024CUPT028945 IN THE MATTER OF: AMY MARIE BROOKES Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Rescheduled 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference /Status of Bankruptcy as to Defendants/Cross-Defendants Art Gilfus and Westlake Fitness LLC Scheduled 202200567221CUBC 101 Westlake LLC vs. Westlake AF LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference OSC re: (1) Answer/Default as to Defendant Zarrinpour and (2) Answer/Default as to Cross-Defendant Zarrinpour Scheduled 2023CUPP012243 BEVILACQUA vs ZARRINPOUR, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: (1) POS/Answer as to the First Amended Complaint and (2) Case Management Order Scheduled 2023CUOE016726 ROMERO vs ELITE ROOTER INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2023CUPL013372 YIM vs GENERAL MOTORS LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Vacated 2024CUBC020933 BELLISSIMO LIMO INC. vs GENERAL MOTORS LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Court Trial (1 hour) Vacated 2023CLCL008670 SOS LOANS INC vs IRFAN KHAN Civil Limited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 202200567741CUOE Sandez vs. Miners Ace Hardware Inc Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2023CUPA015453 URBINA SARMIENTO, et al. vs DANNY CHAVEZ CONCRETE PUMPING INC., et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Limited) Scheduled 202200568626CLCL Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Shoesmith Civil Limited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Default Judgment Scheduled 2024CUCR020831 MARTIN vs AUTOMATIC PROPERTIES, LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Vacated 202200572405CUWT Desola vs. Oconnor Healthcare Consulting Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CLNP025294 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC vs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Civil Limited 20
10/7/2024 8:35 AM Court's Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Pursuant to Representation of Settlement Vacated 202000540681CUPO Athens Administrators vs. Hersh Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 8:35 AM Case Management Conference Status Re:Bankruptcy Vacated 201300436842CLCL CMRE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC vs. Buckman Civil Limited 20
10/7/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUBC025301 JIMENEZ vs FCA US LLC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 9:00 AM Trial De Novo - Small Claims Appeal Rescheduled 2024SC026187 CHATTERTON vs WATERDROPS EXPRESS CAR WASH, LLC Small Claims 20
10/7/2024 10:00 AM Jury Trial (5-7) days Scheduled 202000545391CUBC Falk vs. General Motors Civil Unlimited 20
10/7/2024 10:00 AM Court Trial (2-3 days) Vacated 202200570815CUBC SVTCSC LLC vs. Thai Pie Inc Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Dismiss the Case Due to the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge Scheduled 202000547280CUFR Ortho Systems vs. Smith Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:20 AM Demurrer to Complaint Vacated 2024CUWT024778 JONES vs CITY OF PORT HUENEME Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Compel Further Responses to RFPS Set 5 and Production of Documents Scheduled 202100556158CUBT GI Industries vs. Arakelian Enterprises Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Strike Demand for Punitive Damages Vacated 2024CUWT024778 JONES vs CITY OF PORT HUENEME Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:20 AM Motion for judgment on stipulation Reserved 2023CUCL015575 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA vs OLASO Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Vacated 2023CUWT015005 GRAY vs WWBC LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Scheduled 202200562844CUFR Manhan vs. Maron Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Roes 1-50 on Cross-Complaint by Ventura Unified Scheduled 2024CUPP020896 ASHLEY BOWE BY AND THROUGH HER GUARDIAN AD LITEM AMBER BOWE vs VENTURA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2024CUCO020179 KHACHATRYAN vs FCA US LLC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Vacated 202200563144CUPA Trujillo vs. Perez Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2023CUBC013604 FREEWAY FUNDING, INC. vs SANTANA Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Court's Order to Show Cause RE: Resubmission of Default Judgment Scheduled 202200565817CLCL Westlake Services LLC vs. Jalord Civil Limited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 202000547858CUPA Tate vs. Klaus Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference Scheduled 2024CLCL022577 TD BANK USA NA vs WICKHAM Civil Limited 20
10/8/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Defendant Michael Grasso Scheduled 2023CUPA010207 BROWN vs GRASSO Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:35 AM Case Management Conference Vacated 2024CUWT025352 DOMINGUEZ MARTINEZ vs HARBOR ISLAND HOTEL GROUP, LP Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:35 AM Court's Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Pursuant to Representation of Settlement Vacated 202100550831CUPA Kinsella vs. Robbins 5 Star Heating Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUWT025400 LEMUS vs RBD CALIFORNIA RESTAURANTS LIMITED Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUBC025397 TOTOTZINTLE GARCIA, et al. vs NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC. Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 8:35 AM CMC: Complex Track Scheduled 2024CUWT025352 DOMINGUEZ MARTINEZ vs HARBOR ISLAND HOTEL GROUP, LP Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 10:00 AM Jury Trial Rescheduled 202100560263CUBC Juarez vs. General Motors LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 10:00 AM Jury Trial (10-12 days) Rescheduled 202000544867CUWT Bellamy vs Ventura County Community Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 10:00 AM Jury Trial (15 days) Rescheduled 201900532123CUPO Brittany C vs Signature Healthcare Services Civil Unlimited 20
10/8/2024 10:00 AM Jury Trial (LC) Vacated 201900532123CUPO Brittany C vs Signature Healthcare Services Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Compel Reserved by Plaintiff (3) Reserved 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Compel Reserved by Plaintiff (2) Reserved 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:20 AM Motion to Compel reserved by Plaintiff Reserved 2024CUFR020642 BORQUEZ vs EXPEDIA GROUP INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2024CUOE020925 ALMAGUER vs TEAM NISSAN LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM CMC: Complex Track Vacated 2023CUOE014550 BAUTISTA vs PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Demurrer as to First Amended Complaint for Defendants Scheduled 2023CUBT012947 VISTA AT SIMI VALLEY LLC vs NORTHSTAR SENIOR LIVING INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Hearing on Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with Disability for Claimant Joshua Merino Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Court's OSC re: SANCTIONS Under CCP 177.5 Against Plaintiff's Counsel for (1) Failure to Appear at CMC on 07/05/24 and (2) Failure to File Case Management Conference Vacated 2024CUPA021002 TRAN, et al. vs GONZALEZ, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Defendants Hilda Gonzalez and Efrain Gonzalez Vacated 2024CUPA021002 TRAN, et al. vs GONZALEZ, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Defendant Gilberto Adolfo Morales Scheduled 2024CUIC021029 ASPIRE GENERAL INSURANCE vs MORALES Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Court's OSC re: SANCTIONS Under CCP 177.5 Against Plaintiff's Counsel for (1) Failure to Appear at CMC on 07/03/24 and (2) Failure to File a Case Management Statement Scheduled 2024CUPA020984 MEDINA, et al. vs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Hearing on Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with Disability for Claimant Gabriela Rodriguez Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Hearing on Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with Disability for Claimant Isaac Mondragon Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2024CUPA020949 TOMLINSON vs GUTIERREZ, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Court's OSC re: SANCTIONS under CCP 177.5 Against Plaintiff's Counsel for (1) Failure to Appear at CMC on 07/02/24 and (2) Failure to File a Case Management Statement Scheduled 2024CUOE020925 ALMAGUER vs TEAM NISSAN LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Bench Warrant Recall Issued Against Defendant Efren Moya Scheduled 202200569137CUCO Weber & Associates Inc vs. Moya Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Hearing on Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with Disability for Claimant Jacob merino Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Hearing on Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with Disability for Claimant Angel Rodriguez Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Scheduled 202200562526CUBC Reyes vs. The Knolls Apartments Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Motion for Attorney Fees/Costs Scheduled 201800514769CUWM Moving Oxnard Forward vs. Jim Throop Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to David Bravero and Southern California Edison Company Scheduled 2024CUPA020984 MEDINA, et al. vs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUBC025418 Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUOE025449 HARTMAN vs PATSCH, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/9/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUOE025416 BELTRAN vs BLACK AND ROUND LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Court's OSC re: SANCTIONS Under CCP 177.5 Against Plaintiff's Counsel for (1) Failure to Appear at CMC on 07/05/24 and (2) Failure to File Case Management Conference Scheduled 2024CUPA021010 CASTELLANOS vs CRUZ, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Default Judgment Vacated 2023CUFR009697 CALDERON, et al. vs JAZZBERRY DIGITAL SOLUTIONS INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: (1) Setting Aside Default as to Defendant Canaj Inc and (2) POS/Answer/Default/Dismissal as to Foes 1-50 on Cross-Complaint by SMA Builders Scheduled 2023CUCD007360 AIX SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY AS SUBROGEE OF VENTURA CANNERY APARTMENTS DEVELOPMENT LLC vs CANAJ INC, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: Answer/Default/Dismissal as to Defendants Vacated 2024CUCR020973 BOUYER vs CARRILLO, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Defendants Cody A Cruz and OGara Coach Company LLC Scheduled 2024CUPA021010 CASTELLANOS vs CRUZ, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to Defendant Avalon Oak Creek Management Inc Scheduled 2024CUBC021134 ETAME vs AVALON OAK CREEK MANAGEMENT INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Court's OSC re: SANCTIONS Under CCP 177.5 Sanctions Against Plaintiff for (1) Failure to Appear at the CMC on 07/08/2024 and (2) Failure to File a Case Management Statement Scheduled 2024CUBC021134 ETAME vs AVALON OAK CREEK MANAGEMENT INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: POS/Answer as to All Cross-Defendants in Cross-Complaint by The Vons Companies Inc Scheduled 2023CUPP017017 GARCIA vs SAFEWAY INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Scheduled 2024CUPA020508 RUIZ vs GOMEZ Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Vacated 202200563026CUBC Garcia Caballero vs. BMB Automotive Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Court's Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal for Failure to Proceed Scheduled 2024CUBC021134 ETAME vs AVALON OAK CREEK MANAGEMENT INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference /OSC re: (1) POS/Answer on Complaint or (2) Entry of Dismissal Scheduled 202100561269CUPA Basham vs. Lane Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUBC025482 HERRERA vs GENERAL MOTORS LLC Civil Unlimited 20
10/10/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CLCO025494 SURFSIDE III CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION vs JENKINS Civil Limited 20
10/10/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Scheduled 2024CUCL025544 WHITE & WILLIAMS LLP vs BATTERY STREAK INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Rescheduled 2023CLCL010031 CITIBANK NA vs CHAVEZ Civil Limited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202200562859CUOE Bravo vs. Anacapa Micro Products Inc Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202200564977CUPA Hazz vs. Wheaton Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Status Hearing re: Arbitration and Stay Rescheduled 202100555324CUOE Garcia vs. Meissner Filtration Products Inc Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Vacated 202200565983CUPO Burokas vs. The Palms at Bonaventure Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202100558006CUPO Duncan vs. Passages Silver Strand Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Case Management Conference Rescheduled 2024CUOE022761 Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202000545707CUPA Avila vs. Reynoso Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Rescheduled 202100552315CUMM Brown vs. Slocum MD Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202000543653CUPO McCarthy vs. Sinclair Oil Corp Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202100551143CUWT Neuson vs. Oxnard Union High School District Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference Vacated 202100551767CUPO Espinosa vs. Grewal Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202200571589CUOE Fraser vs. City of Camarillo Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:30 AM Trial Setting Conference (Final) Rescheduled 202000543676CUPO Jane Doe 1 vs Oxnard Union HS District Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Rescheduled 2024CUOR025564 ALICATA NORTON vs NORTON, et al. Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Vacated 2024CUOE025628 FIGUEROA vs CROCKETT GRAPHICS INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM CMC: Complex Track Rescheduled 2024CUOE025628 FIGUEROA vs CROCKETT GRAPHICS INC Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM Court's Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal Pursuant to Representation of Settlement Rescheduled 202100551767CUPO Espinosa vs. Grewal Civil Unlimited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM OSC for Sanctions/Dismissal RE: Submission of Default judgment per CRC 3.110 Vacated 2023CLCO012257 SIMI VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION vs BREKKE Civil Limited 20
10/11/2024 8:35 AM MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default Rescheduled 2024CUPP025560 WEBB vs SIMI VALLEY HOSPITAL ASN, INC., et al. Civil Unlimited 20
© 2024 Superior Court of California, Ventura County